Marcos Escobar is an amazing instructor and competitor. He is very patient, extremely knowledgeable, and friendly. Since training with him, I have noticed many improvements in my game. I am very thankful to have him as one of my coaches!
Jessica Buchman
Bloomingdale, Illinois

Training with Escobar has changed my game so much ! He is an amazing professor!
Dania Aj
Hickory Hills, Illinois

Escobar's style of teaching is immediately practical and easily integrated into your game. He has helped me close gaps in understanding, and has helped me create solid frameworks for position and controlling the fight. Specifically, his instruction on utilising pressure during a pass, takedown, and transition has increased my success while rolling. Escobar also helps out with the Kid's Class. My 7 year old son benefits from his training and mentorship too. Escobar speaks with the kids and reinforces good exercise & eating habits, hygiene habits, respectfulness and continual improvement. So now aside from being excited about BJJ, my son is excited about working on these other aspects. It's awesome.
Timothy Bolton
Chicago, Illinois

I've had the pleasure of learning from and training with Coach Escobar for about a year now. In that time, I have gained a significant amount of improvement and technique from him. He has a wealth of knowledge in all areas of jiu jitsu to help you. In addition to his experience, he also walks the walk by competing, and winning-at very high levels. If you're looking for private lessons, someone to roll with, or a place to train, Coach Escobar is a great choice.
Gabe Salinas
Chicago, Illinois

Prof. Escobar is a great example of the old school. He is a testament to efficiency over fancy when it comes to techniques. He leads by example on and off the mats and makes me proud to be part of his lineage. He always emphasizes keeping jiu jitsu simple and is living proof that the old man knows what he's talking about. I really do miss him here in KL and his classes. #goodtimes.
Dalgish Singh
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia